Nine year old leaves wheelchair behind for 5K Colour Dash!

A remarkable nine-year old girl has left her wheelchair behind to complete a 5K colour dash and thank Sheffield Children’s Hospital for her care.

Charlotte Harrison, of Dinnington, Sheffield weighed just 600 grams when she was born prematurely, three months before her due date.

Ever since, she has relied on the care at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, undergoing major operations including a double hernia repair at four months old and a major hip reconstruction aged just six.

The recovery from the reconstruction was difficult, with three months of non-weight bearing movement, followed by intensive physiotherapy as Charlotte once again learned how to walk. Mum Kathryn began her running to inspire her daughter during her rehabilitation:

‘I always used to say to her- ‘you’re such a strong, determined young girl, you can do anything you set your mind to- it’s all mind over matter. Of course, when you’ve said that, you’ve got to show you mean it”.

Kathryn bought her first pair of trainers in January 2016 and three months later completed the Sheffield Half Marathon.

“That’s where it all started- Charlotte came to support me and we crossed the finish line together”.

Charlotte still struggles with walking and running long distances, due to the limited mobility in her hip and differences in the length of her legs. Despite the challenges she faces, the schoolgirl set her sights on following in her Mum’s footsteps:

“She had been saying for a while that she wants to run her own race. She watched me and wanted to run like any other nine-year-old’ Kathryn continued.

Once again, Mum and daughter were side-by-side last weekend as they crossed yet another finish line together.

“We had so much fun. We had her wheelchair just in case- but knowing Charlotte and her determination I was sure she wouldn’t need it. She doesn’t let anything get her down. Whenever she has had surgery, the nurses always tell me she’s amazing; that she didn’t moan, she didn’t cry, she just woke up and said ‘Hi’.

“She just gets on with everything with a huge smile on her face” Kathryn explained.

Charlotte was quick to recognise those that had helped her when asked whether she would like to fundraise for the challenge, which raised £450:

“My Mum asked and I wanted to be part of Team Theo because they look after me and make me better, so if we raise money they can help more children”.

Charlotte will also be sounding the starting horn at the first Theo’s Inflatable 5K at Rother Valley this summer, held in support of Sheffield Children’s Hospital, on Saturday 18th August. Book your place by visiting: